Sunny Wear is specailly designed adaptive clothing to provide minimum movement, comfort and dignity to a wide variety of applications. This clothing concept was born out of  a personal experience, while recovering from major surgery in recovering. Recognized the need for clothing that can be worn while in hospital, which provides ease in dressing when a patient is suffering from illness or physical trauma.
No longer is the need to parade arund the ward in a hospital gown that exposes more than it should to all and sundry....A last, we have an alternative that provides ease of dressing, comfort and dignity and very smart appearance. Clothing that still allows easy access for Doctors and hospital staffs to do their regular checks and monitoring.
Clothing that accommodates the application of wires, tubbing and other monitoring devices where neccessary.

Further applications are for the ease of dressing the elderly who may have limited mobility, Persons who are reliant on wheelchairs, those who maybe, confined to being be ridden, persons with shoet term or long term physical disabilities or those who have experienced an unfortunate accidental injury. Whatever the need Sunny Wear has adaptive clothing that provides ease and comfort for the wearer and career.

Wishing everyone a Sunny day.